World Environment Day, 2023

World Environment Day (5th June, 2023)

On the occasion of World Environment Day (5th June-2023), the TCEA (Techno College of Engineering Agartala) campus celebrated a remarkable event with great enthusiasm. The program consisted of a tree plantation drive and an anti-plastic campaign, aiming to raise awareness about environmental conservation and sustainable practices.
Tree Plantation Drive:
The tree plantation drive formed an integral part of the event. Students, faculty, and staff of TCEA actively participated in planting a variety of saplings around the campus premises. Local indigenous tree species were prioritized to promote biodiversity and foster ecological balance. The tree plantation drive aimed to combat deforestation, improve air quality, and mitigate the effects of climate change. Each participant took personal responsibility for nurturing and caring for the planted saplings, ensuring their long-term growth and sustainability.

Anti-Plastic Campaign:
Concurrent with the tree plantation drive, an anti-plastic campaign was organized to address the pressing issue of plastic pollution. The campaign aimed to educate the campus community about the harmful effects of single-use plastics on the environment and promote sustainable alternatives. Various awareness activities such as interactive sessions and plastic free campus drive were conducted to encourage individuals to reduce, reuse, and recycle plastic materials. Additionally, participants pledged to minimize their use of single-use plastics and adopt eco-friendly alternatives.
Furthermore, the event fostered a sense of collective responsibility and unity among the campus community. It served as a platform to showcase the institution’s commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable development. The ovation celebrated at the TCEA campus on World Environment Day through a tree plantation drive and anti-plastic campaign was a resounding success. The event not only symbolized the importance of environmental awareness and conservation but also instilled a sense of responsibility in each participant. By actively engaging in these initiatives, the TCEA community demonstrated their dedication to creating a greener and more sustainable future.
