Years of Experience: 6 Years 5 months
Area of Interest: Natural Language Processing, Cryptography & Network Security
Subjects taught at UG Level: Cryptography, NLP, Software Engineering, Compiler Design,DBMS, E-commerce,Data Structure
Research Publication(s): Journal: 4, conference:1
Years of Experience: Teaching : 4 years Research : 3 years
Area of Interest: Image Processing, Data Analysis, Machine learning
Research Publication(s): SCI Journal: 06, International Conference: 10, International Book Chapter: 02, R&D funded Project: 01
Subjects taught at UG Level: Database Management System, Operating System, Image Processing, Mobile computing, Design and Analysis of Algorithm,Computational tools and Techniques, Information Security.
Years of Experience: Teaching- 10 Years 4 Months
Area of Interest: Programming, Time series, Multi Criteria Decision Making, Machine Intelligence, Decision Making.
Subjects taught at UG Level: Python Programming, C Programming, Java Programming, PHP, database, etc
Research Publication(s): Journal-20 Conferences-5 Book- 01
Years of Experience: Teaching- 9 Years 9 months
Area of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Subjects taught at UG Level: Computer Organization & Architecture, Programming for Problem Solving, Object Oriented Programming, Operating System, Digital Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Computer Network, Data Structure & Algorithm.
Research Publication(s): Journal: 2, Conference: 2, Book Chapter: 3
Years of Experience: Teaching- 8 Years
Areas of Interest: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, C Programming, Java Programming, Computer Graphics & Multimedia, Data Mining, Cloud Computing, Distributed System, Android Programming, Kotlin Programming, Operating System, OOPS in C++, Data Communication & Computer Networks.
Research Publication(s): Journal: 5 Conference: 3
Subjects taught at UG Level: Data Mining & Warehousing, Data Communication & Computer Networks, Cloud Computing, Data Structure & Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming, C Programming, Java Programing, Advance Java Programming, Kotlin Programming Language, Python Programming, Visual Studio
Years of Experience: Teaching- 9 Years
Research Publication(s): International Journal- 01 Conference – 01
Subjects taught at UG Level:Computer Networks, Computer Programming, Operating System, Software Engineering, DBMS, JAVA, Script Programming
Years of Experience: 4 Years 5 months
Area of Interest: Data Mining , NLP , Sentiment Analysis , Text Mining , Audio Data Analysis , etc.
Subjects taught at UG Level: Object Oriented Programming, Digital Electronics, Compiler Design, Data Structures and Algorithms, Data Analytics and Visualization, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, PHP Programming, Python Programming, Computer Fundamentals, Image Processing, etc.
Research Publication(s):
Years of Experience: 3 months
Areas of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Sentiment analysis,
Subjects taught at UG Level: Operating system , IT workshop python, Advance JAVA, Java programming, IT system.
Years of Experience: Teaching- 9 Months
Area of Interest: Data Science
Subjects taught at UG Level: Cryptography, NLP, Software Engineering, Compiler Design,DBMS, E-commerce,Data Structure,
Years of Experience: Teaching- 2 months
Area of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Image processing, Optimization, Neural Network Optimization
Research Papers: Conference: 01
Subjects taught at UG Level: Image Processing, Object Oriented Programming, IT system, Computer Networks, Data Structure and algorithm.
Years of Experience: Teaching- 2 Years
Area of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Recommendation System
Subjects taught at UG Level: Cryptography, Software Engineering, Compiler Design, DBMS, Data Structure, IT system.
Years of Experience: Teaching- 2 Years
Area of Interest: Machine learning , Blockchain technology
Subjects taught at UG Level: Java Programming, Operating System, Database Management System, IT system.
Years of Experience: Teaching- 1 Year
Area of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Subjects taught at UG Level: Cloud Computing, Entrepreneurship and Startups, Object Oriented Programming, Python Programming, Operating System.
Guest Lecturer
Years of Experience: Teaching- 1 Year
Area of Interest: Recommendation system using ML, Data Mining, Computer Vision
Subjects taught at UG Level: Python, DBMS, Computer Network, Data Structure and Algorithm
Years of Experience: Teaching- 4 Years 7 months
Area of Interest: Healthcare informatics, Machine learning
Research Publication(s): Journal: 25 Conference/Book Chapters: 42 Patents: 03 Book: 02
Subjects taught at UG Level: Distributed Systems, Internet of Things, Machine learning
Years of Experience: Teaching- 8 Years
Area of Interest: Bio inspired optimization algorithms, Deep learning, IoT, MCDM
Subjects taught at UG Level: Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing, Operating System, DBMS, Fuzzy Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence & Fuzzy Logic
Research Publication(s): Journal Publications: 18 Book Chapters: 6 Conferences: 12
Years of Experience: Teaching- 7 Years
Research Publication(s): International Journal- 15 Conference/book chapters: 18 Patent: 4
Area of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning, Internet of Things, Precision Agriculture, Image Vision
Subjects taught at UG Level: Compiler Design, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Soft Computing, Data Mining, Python Programing
Years of Experience: Teaching- 18 Years
Area of Interest: Image Processing, Machine Learning, Bio-Matrics, Networking, Database Management System, Operating System.
Subjects taught at UG Level: Digital Image Processing, Machine Learning, Database Management System, Operating System.
Years of Experience: Teaching- 17 Years
Area of Interest: Mobile Communication, Network Technology , Machine Learning.
Subjects taught at UG Level: Computer Networks, Data Mining, Cloud Computing , Artificial Intelligence
Years of Experience: Teaching- 5 Years 6 Months
Area of Interest: Big Data, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning,Image Processing
Subjects taught at UG Level: Data Structure, Operating System, Database Management, Distributed Computing, Information System Analysis and Design, S/W Engineering, Image Processing, Machine Learning
Years of Experience: Teaching- 4 Years 6 Months
Area of Interest: Machine Learning, Nano Technology, Big Data, Cloud Computing
Subjects taught at UG Level: Soft Computing, Java Programming, Computer Graphics, C Programming, Computer Networks, Data Mining, Cloud Computing.
Years of Experience: Teaching- 5 Years 6 Months
Area of Interest: Block Chain, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Nano Technology, Big Data
Subjects taught at UG Level: Object Oriented Programming Language, Computer ArchitectureSoft Computing, Java Programming, Computer Graphics, C Programming, Computer Networks, Data Mining, Cloud Computing.