Parent-Teacher Meeting hosted by the Civil Engineering Department and Civil Engineering with Computer Application Department on May 11, 2024 at TCEA Campus
On May 11, 2024, the Civil Engineering Department and Civil Engineering with Computer Application Department hosted a Parent-Teacher Meeting. The event commenced at 12:00 PM, providing an opportunity for parents to engage with the faculty and discuss the academic progress and well-being of their wards. During the meeting, parents were updated on the latest departmental initiatives, such as the “DESIGN DASH 1.0” physical model exhibition competition and various workshops aimed at enhancing student employability and entrepreneurial skills. The faculty also discussed the academic performance of the students, offering insights and guidance for future development. It was a significant occasion for open dialogue, feedback, and planning the way forward for the holistic development of the students. The meeting concluded with a session on how parents can support their wards in achieving their educational and career goals, emphasizing the importance of a supportive home environment in the success of the students.